And that is actually the better alternative to getting drillnose'd by him. For everyone who needs that dose of sadistic difficulty and simply found Dredmor himself lacking, here comes this little red-eyed menace who can literally nuke you every other turn note He has a 50% chance to cast the Bolt of Mass Destruction's spell every turn. Bonus Boss: Vlad Digula in Wizardlands.battles can go on longer, fights will be more appealing, monster schools will simply be receptacles of health to a well made character. Blood Knight: Pun aside, any melee vampire character will be found thriving off battle.Because this is quite obviously Black Magic, each level in Blood Mage causes you to take a little more damage from "Righteous" (light/holy-based) attacks. Taking a few levels in the tree allows you to use your own blood to create a "Haematic Phylactery", a sort of Soul Jar that heals you for a massive amount of health.in exchange for a significant reduction in your health/mana-regeneration, health and mana points, and physical strength. The most prominent ability is being able to kill enemies to replenish your mana faster.

Blood Magic: The Blood Mage skill tree.Blade on a Stick: A whole tree of polearms, ranging from the lowly Peasantly Pitchfork all the up to the artifact "Spear of Holy Sacrifice".Lutefisk is a traditional Norwegian dish. Bilingual Bonus: "Skål!", the shout that plays when you use the Lutefisk Horadric Cube, means "Cheers" in Norwegian.Lampshaded: Monsters in the dungeon sometimes call you "the eyebrowed one" or taunt you with phrases like "Your eyebrows won't save you now!", and among the many descriptions possible for your clones, one points out that "the eyebrows are too small". when you don't have a mana-using ability, or food when you're a Vampire, or meat/eggs/cheese/Dire Sandwiches when you're a Killer Vegan), many items are effectively better off sold and can/should be sold without worry (or used in a Horadric Lutefisk Cube). Better Off Sold: If you do not have the relevant craft (Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Wand Lore, or Tinkering) or skill set (e.g., booze, etc.Usually remarked upon in the descriptions, like in the case of the dire halberd, a pole with a halberd in each end. Awesome, but Impractical: Some of the higher-end weapons, with high damage but nasty debuffs.The Promethean Magic skill set lets you summon a friendly Wyrmling. That's not to say that other skills don't dip their toes into it, of course-Fungal Arts has slime and mushroom familiars for you to summon, Fleshsmithing lets you reanimate enemy corpses as Zombys to fight for you, Killer Veganism, Bankster, and Psionics let you persuade enemies to fight for you, and Big Game Hunters can summon packs of trained hunting diggles. Attack Animal: This is the premise of the Golemancy skill tree, which allows you to summon Mustache Golems, giant robots, animated piles of kitchen cutlery, and immobile stone walls.Arms Dealer: The Bolt Council, a corporation/group implied to have a monopoly on crossbows and crossbow ammunition.Armor and Magic Don't Mix: Metal armor typically reduces the player's natural mana regeneration rate, and the pieces of equipment that promote spellcasting do not block as many icons as warrior-oriented ones.(Never mind that you may well be a practicing wizard.) Arbitrary Skepticism: The skill "There Must Be a Rational Explanation." You temporarily become more resistant to magic and can't cast spells, because, obviously, magic doesn't exist.April Fools' Day: Dungeons of Dredmor II 3D.Hey, you can't make booze your source of power and not expect some drawbacks. The Alcoholic: Wizards in general, according to several tidbits of info and the amount of empty bottles scattered over the wizardlands.